

What Is Wednesday: What Is Love

"The topic we hate to love..."
 Today marks a new segment to the CulturedBullshit list exclusively on Wednesday, because Wednesdays are just not enjoyable enough. Today's topic is something we're all too familiar with...
Love is a tricky thing to some up in words, I don't even know if there is such a definition to describe such a feeling. It puts us up on our highest of highs (no pun intended), and can descend us to our lowest of lows. It makes us do the unthinkable whether you proclaim your love with a romantic dinner followed by a sensuous romantic night alone, or burning all of his clothes, while pouring bleach on his collections of Jay's. Love can bring the the best out of someone, and also bring distance towards a relationship. It comes and it goes but if the love is strong enough it can overcome all obstacles. Check out the video below and see if your love looks like their love...


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