

The Infamous Cinnamon Challenge (Prize Included)

Really smh-ing over this one folks. Facebook over the years have brought you some interesting games/pranks like planking, numbers games (soo annoying), and now the new craze is the cinnamon challenge. For those
who doesn't own a social networking and are unfamiliar with this challenge its has one rule and one rule only..

- You need to be able to swallow a spoonful of cinnamon without the help of water in one try.

The Crew at CulturedBullshit have decided to place a little wager on Facebook to anyone who accepts our challenge. You will still have to swallow the spoonful of cinnamon, but to receive the 10 bones and be crowned "Champion", you will have to videotape yourself doing it from beginning to end, without drinking water for 3 minutes afterwards. Sounds easy rite? We here at Cultured also believe and know (we've taking bets) that many will not be able to complete this (Lol), so there will be a money prize for funniest reaction/fail video as well. So get your mind right and send in your videos to a admin. While preparing here our some fine examples of what you should not wanna accomplish while doing this, these videos had me crying...

Send all vids to


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