

Philly's Murder Count of January 2012 (Ry & B Appreciation)

Philly, you should really be ashamed of yourselves with this one.
As today marks the second month of the year, we see that Philadelphia is losing its "Brotherly Love" with every passing day. Since the start of this new year until now there has been more homicides then days passed, exactly 34 which is some bullshit. Its sad to say but we at CB knew that the murder rate would of rose, because it has almost every year. Our generation needs more unity within each other instead of pin-pointing the problems you have with certain people and bringing it to the streets. They want us to kill off our own people, and were showing them that we can do a good job of doing that. We at CB also lost two very close friends that lost their life through gun violence named Ryan Duncan and Bryan Harper-Baker. They were taken away to soon, so we need to end the violence. Before his passing Ryan and Friends made a video called "Dear Philadelphia" which was aimed to bring awareness of the growing violence in the city, which CulturedBullshit would like to share with you. Lets try to make this year not only a new one, but a better and safe one at that...
R.I.P. Ryan & Bryan



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